
SuperNotecard provides virtual notecards to organize, compose and perfect your work. Learn More.


Move elements around. Quickly switch perspectives. Track every scene, character, fact or source. Learn More.


Profile your characters. Itemize your sources. Link them to cards. Generate bibliographies.
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Create scenes on cards. Attach characters. Re-arrange on the screen. Export to Final Draft.
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SuperNotecard is an online writing tool that provides virtual notecards to help arrange facts or scenes, track details, organize paragraphs, and clarify your compositional process.

SuperNotecard in School

Notecards help students organize facts, visualize an outline and ultimately transform their research into a paper. SuperNotecard works on various devices and gives teachers tools to launch the lesson and manage the results. Learn More.


Our best features come from writers. Let us introduce a few who have helped to shape SuperNotecard.