SuperNotecard offers many ways to export your project and almost as many ways to import content into a new project.
The first step in a successful export of your written work, is to visit the project settings and choose what items you wish to export. You can elect to export Decks, Cards, Categories, References and Flags. Within each you can choose to include elements like the title, description, or color. For Decks and Cards you can choose to insert a Page Break at the beginning of the item. With Cards you have many more options than other types, including:
- Page Break
- ID
- Title
- Text
- Color
- Rating
- Elapsed Seconds (script projects only)
- Index Number
- Sequence Number
- Modification Date
- Flag Notes
- Related Categories
- Related References
- Related Reference Details
Once you’ve defined how you want to output the project, next you simply press the export button in the top navigation and choose your format.
SuperNotecard supports the following export file formats:
- Google Docs
- Word
- Text
- Final Draft – script editor
- Fountain – script writing format
SuperNotecard also makes it easy to bring your existing work into the app. SuperNotecard can import the following file formats:
- SuperNotecard (*.snc) – Project files based on the original SuperNotecard desktop application.
- SuperNotecard for Scriptwriting (*.sncs) – Project files based on the original SuperNotecard for Scriptwriting desktop application.
- Final Draft (*.fdx) – Final Draft (v.8+) scriptwriting file.
- Fountain (*.fountain) – Fountain is a plain text markup language for screenwriting. Details at
- Delimited Text (*.txt) – Use [CARD] at the end of each new card. Use [TITLE] after the card title.