Organizing your cards and decks and modifying how you visualize them plays an important role in successful writing. SuperNotecard has a variety of options to help.
To get started press the Gear button located in the upper right of the deck display.
What to Display
In the first section of the options is a list of pull-down menus that control which card markers show in the display.
When the deck display starts to get overloaded with colorful flags, circles and squares, choose from each category to display all or none. Or, select a particular item in the category to highlight. For example, you might select to display only the markers on cards related to the category, “Outdoors.”
How to Display It
In the second section of the deck display options you have a variety of controls that determine how to display the heirarchy, layout, card size, font size, and titles.
- Hierarchy – Set whether to display the hierarchy in your project where decks appear and reveal the cards that they contain, or to ‘flatten’ the project and just show every card, regardless of whether they are organized into decks.
- Layout – Pick from Wrapping Layout, where cards flow from left to right and then down into a sequence of rows on the page. Or, pick from Column Layout and choose the number of columns. In this layout items are organized into vertical columns. The sequence in the project follows all of the items in the first column and then moves on to the next from left to right.
- Card Size – Press the buttons to either increase or decrease the size of the cards in the deck display.
- Font Size – Choose the desired font size for the items in the display.
- Titles – Press the Single Line button to use just one line to display the items’ titles. Press the Multiple Lines button to display the entire title on as many lines as necessary.